This code generates some sentences:

var a[4]$
var b[6]$
let a[0]$="Tom"
let a[1]$="George"
let a[2]$="Lucas"
let a[3]$="Paul"
let b[0]$="apples"
let b[1]$="his computer"
let b[2]$="to code"
let b[3]$="football"
let b[4]$="watching TV"
let b[5]$="to sleep"
var a
var b
let a=%rand 4
let b=%rand 6
print a[a]$;" loves ";b[b]$

And this one draws number of polygons:

var x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3
var il, loop
input "Ile polygonow!";il
for loop=0 to il
let x1=%rand gwdt
let x2=%rand gwdt
let x3=%rand gwdt
let y1=%rand ghgt
let y2=%rand ghgt
let y3=%rand ghgt
poly x1, y1, x2, y2, gwdt/2, ghgt/2, 1, %rand
next loop